Travel and cancer

Having a weekend away or a holiday to look forward to when you are affected by cancer is an important focus for some people. It can improve how you are feeling and give you something to aim for.

We want to support you if you are hoping to go on holiday by providing advice and guidance on the important things to consider before you plan your trip:

  • Whether it is safe/appropriate for you to travel, vaccinations and taking medications abroad.

  • Information about travel insurance companies that will be able to advise you and provide a reasonably priced cover. Some insurance companies will ask for a letter to confirm that you are fit to travel.

  • Grants or charities that may be able to help you with the cost or venue for your experience.

It may be helpful for you to have a letter to take away with you which summarises your diagnosis and treatment in case you need healthcare while you are away. This can be provided by your hospital healthcare team or your GP.

Macmillan - Travel and Cancer (booklet)

Macmillan - Cancer and buying travel insurance

Colostomy UK - Travel Advice

Macmillan - Financial support

The Macmillan online community provides and opportunity to chat to other people about travel.

Cancer Research UK - Travel Insurance

The Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing & Information Centre Leaflet on Travel Insurance

Youth Cancer Trust, provides free, activity based holidays for young people aged 14 to 30 living with cancer. Holidays are also available if you have been in remission for up to 5 years, or are living with the late effects of having had cancer as a teenager.

Willow Foundation, providing Special Days for seriously ill young adults. The Special Day provides an uplifting and positive experience to be shared with a partner, parents, siblings, children or close friends.

Somethingtolookforwardto, aims to promote the well-being, relieve the stress and aid the recuperation of those who are experiencing the effects of cancer and its treatment, together with their families. In particular by the provision of positive individual and/or family experiences.

Odyssey, providing courses (mainly outdoors) for people with cancer. Odyssey helps patients rebuild their confidence and self-esteem, engage with exercise, and take back control of their lives.

MIA Travel Insurance, a specialist medical travel insurance provider.