Creative Workshops

How to book onto one of the Creative Workshops.

You can drop into the John Le Vay Cancer Support and Information Centre, phone or email us a booking form direct from the website , see below

When you book your information is passed onto the person who is organising the workshops,

To complete a booking form and then email us - click here

If you email us your booking form, you should receive a notification email to say your email has been received and you your request is being dealt with. You should expect someone to be in contact with you within approx 10 working days by either phone or email. 

If you do not receive the notification email or do not hear back from us in that timescale please do phone the Cancer Support and Information centre ASAP as something may have gone wrong with the system. We want to avoid wherever possible any delays in you joining your chosen activity

 Who can attend the class?

Anyone who has a cancer diagnosis can attend. (You can come along to the session whether you have recently been diagnosed, or having or finished your treatment)

You can bring along your partner or someone who has been supporting you;  like a relative or friend.

You can attend more than once.

What is the aim of the class?

To bring together, in a supportive environment; people who have all been or going through a cancer diagnosis or supporting someone close with cancer. 

We encourage people with all levels of skills to join in the class; from complete beginners to those who regularly enjoy being creative. You can attend just a one off session or you can return to any future classes at any time. People tell us they enjoy the creativity as much as they do the company of being with others.

What can you expect at the class?

There are usually about 4 different activities available (often seasonal) to take part in , each activity will have an instructor to demonstrate and guide participants through the processes. There will always be help on hand if you need some support. You pace yourself doing as much or as little as you choose. There are groups of tables put together so you can choose where you sit. At the end of the day you take home what you have proudly made. It is also about having people around you who have some understanding of what you have or are going through. Some people have made lasting friendships and continue to meet up beyond the classes and say it is a valuable source of support.

Are there any costs involved?

No, the whole day is free, all your materials and refreshments are provided for you and paid for from the John Le Vay Support and Information Centre Charitable fund. . There is a donation tin if you would like to make a small donation but you are not expected to do so. Sometimes there is a raffle held.

Where is the class held?


In the Parish community room in the grounds of St Andrews Church

5  St Andrew's Church Cl
Rushmere St Andrew,
IP5 1DJ 



There is some parking directly in front of the church. For larger events the church will open up the gated field just before the church. There are allocated blue badge parking spaces.  Debbie check details

There is a bus stop in both directions outside the church

Are Refreshments available?

Your refreshments and lunch are provided free of charge.  

(Please do let us know if you have any special dietary needs)

Tea, coffee , biscuits and cakes are available all day.

How often are the classes held?

The Creative Workshops  are held four times a year. 

Usually =   March,  June, September, December 

Usually a Friday 10 -3.30 pm

This may change from time to time so please check for details 

For dates, confirmation of time and venue details  Go to Calendar of events – Creative Workshops