Bereavement support
We each react to the death, or expected death, of someone close to us in our own way and in our own time. Often this involves experiencing a whole range of emotions that may be difficult to cope with. You will find below summary information about several organisations that offer bereavement support services.
Mind, the mental health charity, describes bereavement as:
“Bereavement is the experience of losing someone important to us. It is characterised by grief, which is the process and the range of emotions we go through as we gradually adjust to the loss.
“Losing someone important to us can be emotionally devastating - whether that be a partner, family member, friend or pet. It is natural to go through a range of physical and emotional processes as we gradually come to terms with the loss.
“Bereavement affects everyone in different ways, and it's possible to experience any range of emotions. There is no right or wrong way to feel.”
The “Useful contacts” menu on the Mind Bereavement webpage provides links to relevant services provided by Mind (helpline, web) and other national organisations
The local branch is Suffolk Mind, tel: 0300 111 6000, email:
St Elizabeth Hospice LivingGrief Bereavement Support
LivingGrief services are open to anyone in East Suffolk bereaved through progressive disease or covid-19, even if there has been no previous contact with the Hospice. Emotional support is available one-to-one or in groups, face-to-face, by phone or online. This includes Walk On, a walking group which meets periodically to enjoy the company of others outdoors. The 565 service is provides bereavement support for children, young people and families following the loss of a loved one. For further information follow this link to the LivingGrief website.
Tel: 0300 303 5196, e-mail: follow the “self-referral form” link on the LivingGrief website.
The LivingGrief Hub brings together information on the bereavement support provided by St Elizabeth Hospice and other organisations/ groups.
Tel: 0300 303 5196, Mon-Fri 9am-4pm to ask for advice about accessing local and national bereavement support services..
Wellbeing (Suffolk)
The Wellbeing service provides regular live online workshops “Coping with Bereavement”. The sessions offer an opportunity to look at the particular difficulties of bereavement and grief and explore different coping strategies. Please follow this link for more information and to request a place on one of the workshops.
Cruse provides bereavement support across the UK via a national telephone helpline, webchat and local Cruse branches. This includes online support and information for children and young people who have lost a loved one (link to the Hope Again website).
National Helpline tel: 0808 808 1677, webchat service link can be found on the Cruse Website
The Suffolk branch of Cruse offers telephone and zoom support for adults and in-person support for children and young people.
Suffolk Cruse tel: 01473 230888, e-mail:
Macmillan Cancer Support
The Macmillan Cancer Support website gives information on practical and emotional support following a bereavement at this link,
Macmillan booklet: “After someone dies: Coping with Bereavement” can be downloaded at this link.
The Macmillan Helpline is available for those whose loved one has passed away as a result of a cancer diagnosis.
Helpline Tel: 0808 808 00 00, links to a form to e-mail or establish a webchat with the Helpline can be found on the Macmillan Cancer Support website.
Winston’s Wish
Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children and young people up to the age of 25, their families and those who care for them. Further details of the support available can be found on the organisation’s website.
Helpline Tel: 08088 020 021, links to a form to e-mail or establish a webchat with the Helpline can be found on the Winston’s Wish website.
Child Bereavement UK
Child Bereavement UK helps children, young people, parents, and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves. Further details of the support available can be found on the organisation’s website.
Helpline Tel: 0800 02 888 40, e-mail:
The Loss Foundation
The Loss Foundation is the only UK charity dedicated solely to providing bereavement support following the loss of a loved one to cancer, whether that be spouses, family members, friends or colleagues. The charity provides a variety of support events to help people at any point during their loss.
Tel: 0300 200 4112
If you are struggling to cope with bereavement and need someone to listen to you without judgement or pressure, you can contact Samaritans (24 hour).
Tel: 116 123, e-mail: